Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Miss Carrera: Teacher 4 A Day

Written: May 8, 2008

It's something silly my English teacher, Ms. Uriarte thought about. And I'm gonna tell you my story...

Ms. Uriarte assigned the 4th period English 4 class to do a teaching project on 35 of the poems in the english book. I get to do the poem "To The Virgins, To Make Much Of Time" and it relates to the song I like the most (Avenged Sevenfold, "Seize the day").

So, I worked on my project since last thursday (maybe that could be the reasons why I haven't been online that much lately). And When I visited Ms. Uriarte inbetween classes on MOnday, I asked her about how my project would be graded. "10%" she said. She also knows about my long-distance relationship with Adam, and I told her a little bit on what was going .. the awesome video he sent me). She thought of a crazy idea...

"Want some extra credit? Just in case you didn't do good?" she asked me, "Why don't you change your last name for the project?"

I kinda agreed with her, because when I did a project like that in the 7th grade, I had the whole class calling me "Miss Gonzalez!!!" And that annoys me. But changing my last name? It's not like I'm getting married to Adam...yet...but being a "Carrera" for 20 min...FINE...I'll do it. (And trust me, he won't be pleased at all...) It's worth the extra points because I went down to a D.

So, I am off 2 school, (well, getting dressed, actually...LOL), In 4th period, the students won't be calling me Miss Gonzalez, I am now known as "Miss Carrera..." But it's only for that period!!!

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