Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bring Smooth Jazz Back To TWC!!

Hello friends,

Today, it has brought to my attention to share an important petition.

The Weather Channel has been playing smooth jazz music on their Local Forecasts on the 8s, and it has been a wonderful tradition to every viewer. New management kicked in, and switched the genre of music to "rock" music. Most fans do not like it, thus decided to turn off the TV. Many longtime fans of TWC are not happy with this change. It isnt fair for them to change the music without listening to their fans.

My friends and I are working hard to have them bring back smooth jazz. Some of us are huge fans since we were born. They need to listen to us fans because in the future, they will lose viewers by the end of this year.

I ask you to sign this petition my friend has made on here. It is greatly appreciated and that our voices will be heard.

Thank you

--Ana (Anistorm)