Wednesday, March 4, 2009

BLACK FRIDAY @ It's Wackiest

Written November 28, 2008

How was everyone's Thanksgiving?

First of all, I had turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, ham, dinner rolls, sparkling apple cider (kinda like champagne, but it tastes like apple, and it's free of alcohol), and...OMG I can't remember.

Well, there's a tradition held for the DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING. During thanksgiving, we eat, eat, eat, eat, eat and what's the last thing? Oh yeah, eat. But what else after the DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING?

All of the sudden, department stores, malls and other stores start to lower prices, lower than "rollback" prices, and announce to open their stores as early as 4 AM. This is known as BLACK FRIDAY. This day is when a person who wants something (like me, I wanted a printer) plans to get up super-duper early and get to the store at the opening time.

BUT BEWARE: Lack of parking spaces, overcrowding of stores, fights, police cars surrounding the store, store workers checking if you don't steal stuff, people stealing stuff from your carts, crying babies...OMG.

For my personal experience, this is my first time going shopping on BLACK FRIDAY. Me and my sister Adriana have been planning on this since we found out the following things on sale:

---An HP Printer/Scanner/Copier

---A 19" Plasma TV

---A bagless, cordless Vacuum

---A Hannah Montana doll (noo I can't guarantee they will be available!!)

---A Lifetime supply of plastic containers (Mom wants some)

So, this morning I woke up at 4:00. My dad was gonna enter work at 5:00, so he gave me a jump start. I got up, fed my cats Destiny and Serafina, and woke up Adriana also. We have planned to get the items above at Walmart, and they open at 5. Alexa and Angelica had to come with us. I had to wear my Florida Gators sweatshirt for luck. I am hoping for the printer to be there in my hands.

As we arrived, we couldn't believe the amount of people occupying every parking space. My sister dropped me off, so I can go fight the customers for that printer. As I entered the store. There were lines to check out, from one side of the store to the other!! And the majority of the carts were filled with plasma TV's, Xbox 360's, Laptops, Computers, mostly electronic stuff. (Cameras were at 50 dollars, laptops were at 300 dollars). The Electronics section of Walmart was at it's worst, because of the cheapest electronics I just mentioned.

So, I made my luck. I found out that there were printers still available. So I had to dodge every cart in front of me to get it. I grabbed one, stole a cart (haha not really, I just grabbed one at the front entrance, because no one claimed it). And waited for my sisters to come.

So, we all grabbed the TV, the vacuum, and the lifetime supply of containers (The Hannah Montana doll was sold out...sorry Angelica).

Oh and there was one thing I didn't mention before sharing my experience: BEWARE...I MEAN BEWARE...of super-duper-very-mery-OMG-LONG LINES.

This is like waiting to cross the border from Mexicali to Calexico. I made a record of an hour and a half just to check out.

So I don't know about you guys. This is barely my first time. And you know what...I WANT TO DO THAT AGAIN!!!!!! hahaha.

So ok, I'm gonna rest. I woke up too early. Anistorm OUT.

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