Wednesday, March 4, 2009

25 Random Things About Me


Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25
random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25
people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I
tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. you are
obviously exempt if you have already posted.

1. The only channel I watch mostly all the time is The Weather Channel

2. I've been in a long-distance relationship for almost a year.

3. My true BFF lives in Wisconsin

4. I guess I could say I am a little obsessed with purses and teddy bears.

5. Weather is my life...since 2003.

6. I'm a Stephanie Abrams wannabe.

7. Me and my two sisters have a huge gap. Adriana is 27, I'm 18, and Angelica is 6.

8. I have three goals to fulfill, and it's gonna take three years to achieve them.

9. I only curse when I get so mad.

10. I'm in college and I'm trying to finish so I can move back to my hometown.

11. 99.9% of my friends live more than 20 miles from my house.

12. Screamo SUCKS.

13. I graduated High School in the summer, but I'll be getting my diploma until June.

14. People think my niece Alexa is my daughter.

15. My life was full of drama, but I'm glad I got it out of my system when I left B-Town high.

16. People call me Stephanie mistakenly.

17. In terms of College Football, all of my friends are against me just because I like the Florida Gators.

18. I think begging like a poor little doggy is so annoying.

19. I can be in an evil mood...whenever I feel like it.

20. I love Adam Carrera MORE than I love cookie dough flavored ice cream!!!

21. My kitty is like my real daughter.

22. I spend mostly my college the house.

23. Silence bothers me...I gotta have music.

24. I LOVE the color green. You'll be seeing me wearing something green 7 days a week.

25. Lastly, all my life I wanted a brother...until Angelica came.

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