Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Random Blog....Nothing Dangerous.

Well, for some of you may have heard, or have read my previous blog. I am getting eye LASIK surgery around Spring Break or this month. If you haven't read the news, then...why are you here reading this? You just spoiled it. :P :P :P j/k

Anyways, I haven't written a random blog for like ever. And guess what I'm actually doing it. Lets see what has been happening so far...

So, yesterday was supposed to be my interview for FYE, but it all turned out that my mom and dad were calling me like crazy telling me not to go. If I had not had a celly and a mysterious person following me, I would have gone there in secret...shhhhh. :P

Also yesterday, I have shown my heroine side again when I got a cry of help from my best friend Autumn. In the past couple of days she has been depressed, I even had to intepret her dreams of her friend's funeral. Now she is happy and is glad that I have rescued her from the depression.

My math midterm was today. And it all turned out 99.99% good! 25 questions of decimals and ratios, it was a piece of chocolate cake! Decimalphobia is gone for good....until the final exam. (insert psycho scream).

Also, last night...I guess my behavior changed. All of the sudden things haven't been what they used to be. I was feeling mixed all day but now my mood is being pissed only. I really really don't want to talk about it here. For whatever happened, I would just stay pissed for days than accepting that I regretted. If I was mad at Adam, we would just kiss and make up right away. :P :D. If it was a best friend, depending on the situation, it was either kiss and make up or I will never be your friend again. But I gotta note on my regrets, though. You'll never know when I will be okay again. *sigh*...Right now I have too many things on my mind right now...and I am wondering if I would be able to regret. (it does sound like I do have a little problem with regretting things.) I'm supposed to be lying in bed right now, even though it's not my bed time yet. But I want to get this overwith.

Oh and BTW, someone said that I might be prego as my life changing news. GET REAL. Whatever. That is not true.

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