Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The New Me Is Coming Soon...

Well, to start this Tuesday off, I am feeling happy, pissed off, stressed, and regretful (I really don't want to talk about it). But what I really want to talk about is what will happen to me. Somehow my Spring Break plans have changed. Adam has his Spring Break this week and now there is a chance that I won't be spending it with him (because he is homeschooled.) So, for what and where I will be doing this Spring Break, I won't be at the beach, at La Rumorosa (Spring Break 06 was the worst vacation ever), or at Colton. I won't be at home or online either (probably popping in at times).

So, people, if you are texting me like crazy and spending my prepaid cell minutes wanting to know what will happen to me, please stop, you're abusing my "Text Me In Case Of Emergency" phrase.

Anyways, it turns out that around this month, or maybe next week, I won't be wearing my green-and-black glasses anymore. I have made my decision that I will be doing LASIK eye surgery. You might think (if you have Doctorphobia, like me), that it will mess up my life, but it won't.

But once I learn about it, it does seem a little painful, I even saw a video on youtube on it. And idk if what I am saying is a rumor, that LASIK eye surgery can ruin your eyesight forever.

Well, idk about you guys, but I am willing to take the risk. I am told that I am a natural risk taker. It was now time to leave the glasses behind and not worry about them amymore. I've been wearing glasses since Freshman year and well, I'm in college and I am tired of people saying that I look 15 or 16. I am 18. My friends will be so proud of me that I made the right decision.


7OA said...

I'm happy for you...but I never thought you looked 15 or 16... who did? :club:

jtmal0723 said...

Congrats! And Good luck :) and I'm agreeing with Jonny... woh do we need to :club: at your school?