Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Your (Rock) Music On The 8s.

*And now….your Local On The 8s.*

The music on TWC. Back in the old days it has never changed. Many people enjoyed the smooth jazz music during two minutes before a show segment came on. Back in my old days, when I was a teenager, I never really enjoyed the music...but until March 2003, I heard an awesome song. It was smooth, peaceful, that took me years to look for who it was played by. “Rushing” by Moby was the song.

I have to admit I really do enjoy the smooth sounds of the LF music. I met a friend who is an expert of that kind of music.

BUT…this year, the whole music changed. When NBC purchased TWC, they decided to play music that wasn’t made to be played in the LOT8s. This happened in Mid-April when the decided to extend the March 2009 playlist…just to put “freak music” (in the words of Springy). Some songs in the April-May 2009 playlist were Rock music. For as I’ve heard, there were many disappointing LF music fans.

This month has gotten even worse. They decided to “get rid of the jazz music and add more rock music”. What kind of rock music? That’s how I wondered. If they put like old old old old rock music it’s gonna aggravate me. They might not play “For Real” by Jim Lum or “Rushing” by Moby. Those 2 songs are my favorite so far (oh, and not to mention anything Ryan Farish). I still wonder the rock music part. One time (I hope you guys remember this) they played several LOT8s with vocal music. Nickelback “Far Away”, and Death Cab For Cutie “Soul Meets Body”. I really enjoyed it but it felt weird of them playing vocal music on the LOT8s. (This was in 2007).

Heres my IMO. I have decided to stay neutral on this. I can’t decide and may never be able to decide which side to take. I can’t also have two friends having a different opinion. I mean, I do enjoy rock music, alternative, or indie, but this music that I am hearing is not the rock music I expect to hear on the LOT8s. You are welcome to comment about this but your comments cannot turn me around from being neutral.

Today...they stopped playing the music and turned into "Trammel Starks-a-thon" What is the sign of that?

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