Friday, June 19, 2009

Why I Hate DirecTV

I've had DirecTV since I was in the 7th which it's where I first tuned in and started watching TWC. THAT was TV then. Today...DirecTV has new recievers, new remotes...the old recievers are pointless now. Here are some reasons why I despise direcTV.

1. On TWC they have your own ZIP Code LF that appears on every LOT8's. But on certain commercial-free events and can't seem to exit out of the stupid LF, even if you press "exit" on your remote". You have to wait two minutes for that LF to do it's "bizness".

2. Channels 100-199 are mostly DirecTV channels. They don't have that much Pay-per-view channels than before.

3. I tried the Game Corner. It SUCKS. At first I thought it was free..I ain't paying $5.99 a month for a game.

4. The Music Choices (aka Sirius XM Radio) are confusing...Every single Genre has it's own channel...and most of them are music that I really really really hate.

5. I live near Arizona, and Arizona gets no local channels. I have to hook up a good SD Antenna to watch the local channels here (some local channels are from Los Angeles and San Diego). WTF, no local channels on satellite=no satellite for meh. (as of now I have to buy a converter box to be able to watch my local channels again <_<)

6. The DirecTV guide can't travel past three days...after 5:00 PM the third day it starts saying "TO BE ANNOUNCED".

7. The remote control has pointless buttons. Even if you have an SD reciever, there is no stupid reason to use the PLAY, STOP, REWIND, FAST FORWARD, RECORD, SKIP 30 SECONDS, and GO BACK 30 SECONDS buttons. Why can't they provide an SD remote? Since all you use is the bottom half of the remote. >_>

So...I am definelty considering switching to another provider. It's CrapTV.

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