Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dear Ex-Boyfriend.

Once I recieved you message on FB, I thought, "Are you sorry for what you did? Or you just fakin it?"

When your so called "behavior" changed, my love towards you changed. I don't know who you are anymore. You cared about your game more than me, and you behaved differently towards my friends. I couldn't tolerate this behavior anymore, and had to leave you. Your acts on Martin's stream were unapologetic. Ashley wouldn't accept your apologies because you posed as ashleytiger23 (herself). This action will never happen again. I hope it won't happen again. I won't let it happen again.

When you wrote to me that other day, I was debating either have my mom lower my curfew at 10:00 PM or to face you once again. Reading those words...I felt like I was about to go in a trap. I do not believe you. Where the hell are your apoligies? I got evidence that you never cared about the relationship. Your FB statuses, your Myspace statuses, they all seemed true. So, what the hell, once I thought you really cared, now you really don't. So, at the final minute I decided to have my mom lower my curfew to 10.

Also, You call my friends Pathetic? Well, I am so sorry you feel that way but you know what, if you disrespect my friends (Jesse, Springy, Billy, Jonny, Max, Patrick, Martin, Evan, Zachy, etc), then you disrespect me. My friends are the best and they have been backing me up on all this. I thank them. I also helped several of your friends including Ashley, she is on my side now. I adore my friends with all my heart, and I can't believe you don't respect them like you respect me.

I waited and waited for you to apoligize, but you seemed to not care. If you had, I would have given you a 2nd chance. Well guess what, You missed your chance. That's why I am at the path that I chose to take now. I changed my future plans. I don't want to go back to Colton. I don't want to attend CSU San Bernardino. I would rather stay here in Duck Centro and enjoy the things I have now. I have planned to go out of state and move away from what you have done. I don't expect you to find me, you won't.

I really don't know what to do with you...tryyyyying to get me to talk to you. Well, this blog proves of everything on how I feel. I don't have to waste my time sending you a message. If I do send you the message, you will disregard it and go F**K with your life. Don't expect me to be with another man, or with a kid of my own in the future when we meet again. Like I always say, Life's a Hurricane. It's Unpredictable.

bye. and have a not so super day! >_>



Vega45 said...

I was trying to message you Ana but you ignored me like a little kid and not evening listing to me thats how childish you are Ana Gonzalez you made these mistakes on your own not me And you makeing my friends on your side that is just f----- up do not show your face on vent anymore Ana if you do you will be gone.

So none of this was my fault it was yours not even trying to call me but hiding and not even trying to call me
have a bad day also


Unknown said...

Dude don't do that - she ain't worth it - she'll probably find some loser who will beat her ass and keep her in check - if you had done it i'm sure you two would be together still